Energy Saving Power Transformers
In the 21st Century, there are a lot of advantages to reducing your Carbon Footprint and using less energy. Domestic and Industrial users alike are on the lookout for PROVEN and RELIABLE methods of reducing Power Consumption.
What is Voltage Optimisation?
To cut a long story short, the process of Voltage Optimisation is one of systematically looking into where Power is used and applying Energy-Saving Techniques to as many stages of the process as possible. There is a common misconception that electrical loads need to remain constant, and AM Transformers argue that this is not correct. The notion that electrical loads always have constant power is not correct. For example, if the input current or voltage is required to vary in order to maintain the existing power level. The formula P = I x V is used to calculate the power that is used for the product of both the current flowing and voltage applied. Power Required (P) is equal to Input multiplied by Voltage. AM Transformers will use this formula to Optimise the Power used – which depends entirely on the NATURE and TYPE of load concerned.
An Effective Solution
Energy Saving through Voltage Optimisation is based on the principle that the nameplate power of a device is often very different from the regional operating range for power. For example, running .a small household electric fire has a nameplate power of 1kW with an optimum operating point of 220V; and the operating power range here in the UK is 207V to 253V. Above the optimum and the fire will receive its 1V plus a bit more which will raise operating costs and make it not very efficient. It will also potentially shorten the life of the device. By removing the difference between the existing supply voltage and the optimum design voltage, allowing the electrical device or equipment to operate at its most efficient level without affecting its performance.
Benefits of Voltage Optimisation
A.M. Transformers Ltd supply three phase and single phase optimisers for the public sector; as well as for commercial, industrial and domestic use saving YOU statistically significant savings on your energy bills – up to 20% in some cases – and also prolongs the life of the equipment.
A voltage Optimisation Solution from A.M. Transformers has the following benefits:
- Optimises incoming voltage to the more efficient level of 220v
- Perfect for domestic use
- Ideal for use alongside PV Installations
- Save up to 20% on domestic electricity bills
- Reduce Carbon emissions by up to 4.5 tonnes within 25 years
- Maintenance Free – “Fit and Forget”!